Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Turn around...

Tuneage: "Everybody wants to rule the world" Tears For Fears (Side note: HEY!! WHOEVER MAKES THE JAMES BOND MOVIES!! Use this song as a theme!!!)

Mood: lost

Turn around bright eyes! Okay, for the love of God LISTEN TO THAT SONG!!! I love this song so much. ^_- Mom keeps asking me what "we" can do to "pull my grades up" I wish she would shut up!! God! motherfuckingbitch keeps dragging on my case man. Like she even CARES what I listen to now!! Example, I put on some V.U, "Heroin" and she was like "What are you listening to?" "Heroin" I said emotionless without a second thought, just letting my mind wander. "You shouldnt look up to drug additces." She says "And why cant they use nicer words?" IT WAS PAINFULL! She dosnt understand why Lou Reed did speed man. He did it for creative reasons and artisic expression. I <3 him....

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