Monday, June 8, 2009

Run like hell.

Bodies. Fallen. Twisted. Bleeding. Screaming. No time for dreaming. We have to run. We have to run. Run run run!!

Heil Mein Führer!

Bang. Pop. Screams. MOTHER!!

Heil Mein Führer!

Twisted. Ashes. Rotting. Blurry. Sick. Snow. Snow....peacefull snow. Look at the snow it cant reject you....

Heil Mein Führer!

Chanting. Louder. Screaming. Hate.

Heil Mein Führer!

Dont look at the dead bodies...they mean nothing to you. You never had a mother. Just keep running. Soon you'll be okay... Leave that behide. Take off your shoes!

Heil Mein Führer!

No! Leave them on! Just run...thats all you know how to do. Thats all. Run. From the time you where born- ignore your screaming lover dying- see? She's gone. You never had her. Run run run.

Heil Mein Führer!

Food. I need food. No. I dont know how to eat. All I know is how to breathe, run, run, run, hide, and run. Thats all. Why is the snow red?? Oh why is the snow red near me!? Snow is white not red!

Heil Mein Führer!

NO DONT TRIP!! They got me get it over with get it over with....wait no! Run. Run Run. Dont turn around....Run run run...

Heil Mein Führer!

Heil Mein Führer!

Heil Mein Führer!

Heil Mein Führer!

....Run like... hell.

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