Friday, October 2, 2009

How we hold hands

Mood: Depressed. Well No. Bitter sweet.
Tunes: "Wonderwall" Oasis

Ok. So I'm going to be a whiny little girl. I miss my wonderwall. :( I miss seeing him at school and and having someone to lean on in band class. I miss his messy hair and his dorkness about comic books. I even kind of miss how he made fun of me when I'd try and fix my hair (and fail at fixing btw). I miss going to the bus loop and seeing him there ignoring our redneck friends conversation about something. The thing I miss most of all is.... well. I need to explain something first. Ok so I have this black hoodie and its got thumbholes in it that I made I messed up and now theres a big hole in the wrist area of the jacket. So, he would put his hand threw the wrist hole and his thumb threw my thumb hole. Thats how we hold hands. :) I miss that alot. We did that tons of times in band class. I still see him but its not as often as before. -shigh- I loves him. :( <3


  1. me loves you to and i miss all that stuff i think of you alot :)

  2. Hee hee thanks. I dont think Im worth thinking of
