Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween what nots

Mood: Neutral... questioning.
Tunes: "Transmission" by Joy Division

I have mixed feelings for everything now adays it seems. Its strange. I feel like I've changed... maybe I have. Have you notice anything?? Gah! I long for Paris again. I wish it were so. Halloween was wonderfull. :) Nikki was probly the worst Sweeney Todd ever but i loved it anyway. Lol. Here is a picutre of everyone. Ok so... the girl that's choaking me was supposed to be a witch but she fails horribly!XD next to me is Nick. lol. then Melissa then The sciensits. Or Abbey. Lol. (brandi!!) then My friend Shanana i have no idea what shes supposed to be! XD and the guy kneeling down is ManHeels. He's an army man. The end!


  1. yea i was a terrorable sweeny todd

  2. Yea but you we're MY terrible one?? Yea?? Idk it was funny as hell anyway :P
