Saturday, November 14, 2009

If you slit my heart can I sew it back? CH: 6

Coriline hastily made a pot of tea. She watched it boil eagerly. She saw a little bit of shoe from the customer walking up the stairs. Coriline acted at her chance. She stopped however and waited for the sun to go down. It would be better to sneak and spy at night, she considered. A few costumers came in for there dresses. She did business as usual. Then, something rather strange happened. As she watched the sun set, the tall lanky boy with stubble re-entered. “Back again are we now?” She said almost candidly. “I’d like to apologize for my pervious actions, miss.” the man said. “Oh its quite alright.” she said and smiled. Toby looked her over. She was a beautiful girl. “ names Toby.” he said. “Coriline.” she replied. “Now, can I sew your ratty thing of a coat?” “Oh! Umm.. Yes?” he said and laughed. He looked in her eyes along time. Feelings and emotions clouded his mind. His knees grew weak. In that sudden moment… he felt he needed Coriline.

“You can sit in the parlor if you like… you’re my last costumer for the day.” Coriline said and sat down on her chair near the fire. “The company would be nice.” he said. She smiled as he sat down. And so, they exchanged the normal formalities and what nots for conversations. They ended up getting deeply involved on the subject of sailing. A subject in which Toby, knew much about. They talked on and on till the sun had died for the day. She was fascinated with him! He had a gentle nature, an innocence, she remarked. And as all of this went on… Sweeney Todd watched from the shadows, waiting, lurking and an emotion came to him that hadn’t stirred in him since the day he met his darling Lucy… jealously. Envy. He hated the boy even more! How he was charming her!! She was his by god! He gasped at what he thought. His…his… he wanted her for his own. Sweeney desperately tried to ignore the thought of love but it just kept nagging him at the back of his mind…

“It’s a fine night Ms. Coriline!” stated Toby as he got up to leave. He paid Coriline rather well for a sewn coat. “And now I can go on long walks! Care to join me?” He asked. Her heart fluttered. “I would.” she smiled. He held out his arm for her. “A gentle men!” she thought. They walked under one of the few star filled skies in London. “I haven’t seen fermilalir stars in a long time.” remarked Toby dreamily… “Oh..” she said in a daze gazing at his sweetness. He notice her gaze. “Forgive me if I skip over the formalities but…” he knelt in and kissed her softly. She froze not sure what to do. He drew away feeling horrid. She blinked. “Why?” was the only word she could utter. “Love, Coriline. Love.” he replied. Coriline and Toby gazed at each other not believing any of this. Coriline was never one to have such strong feelings for someone that soon. In fact! Now that she recalled it had only happened two times in her life! Now with Toby and…and… she suddenly felt lost, deeply and madly in love but lost. And Sweeney Todd was the other time she remembered feeling an ache in her heart for the both of them. Why? Coriline couldn’t say. Boldly, she returned Toby’s kiss and they remained there for a long while.

Too long for Sweeney Todd. He saw it all from the window of the barber shop. He felt sick and angry. He wanted to kill Tobais now more than ever! And although he did not want to kill, he wanted to tell how he felt for her. In a sence to him at lest… he was killing himself inside. “Coriline… soon you will drip rubies….” he said with tears of a strange mad love cutting into his face. He watched it all… watched, waited and most of all wanted.

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