Saturday, November 14, 2009

If you slit my heart can I sew it back? CH5 ''A plan in formation''

Coriline awoke in the morning. Dazed but rested. She made her self some food. A small apple and a tea biscuit. “It’s not much…” she said. She shivered when she saw her bandaged hand. She ignored it. Coriline walked down to her room and changed into a simple day dress. She walked back up and over to her sewing table. Coriline desperately tried to sew. “Mr. Todd was right…. It will be awhile before I can sew again.” She sighed. She walked into the bigger work room and looked at the stock of dresses. “Depending on how well these sell and when my hand gets better I can open shop today.” she thought and began to take inventory on the dresses and hats.

Around ten A.M, Coriline opened shop. A few came in to pick up there dresses. After awhile, the boy from the previous night came in. “Excuse me, miss?” he asked. “Yes?” She turned around. He was rather tall, this boy, and skinny, with long dirty brown hair and a bit of stubble on his chin. “Out of curiosity, how long has this shop been here?” he asked and leaned himself on the counter. “Frankly, I don’t know.” she replied. “Oh?” “Yes. You see, I came over from America a few months ago.” Coriline turned around to meet his puzzled expression. “I see.” he said with a sigh of relief. She eyed him closely. “Why do you ask?” she said and sat in a chair. “Well..” he began, still standing. “This shop was around when I was a boy. It was a pie shop at the time… and…” he struggled to continue. Fear was wrapping its cold hands around his brain. “a barber shop as well.” he finished. “Oh! There’s still a barber shop! Did you what a shave?” she said and smiled up at him. “Uhh….umm…No. No. No thank you. Forgive me of asking you this but could you spare some gin?” he asked. “Well let me see…” she got a stool and stood up to reach for one of the dusty cabinet drawers. “Well…” she shifted some old glasses and bottles. “The only gin left here is the barbers upstairs, Mr. Todd’s. I don’t think he’ll mind if a tad bit is gone…” she got off the stool and turned around bottle and glass in hand. He left. “Oh! Well…” she drank it herself. She shivered. “Nasty..” she hiccupped. “Th-th-th- thing!” Her face became rosy and the bun from her hair fell and her hair was now down at her waist. It was her first time trying the stuff. “I’d… -hiccup- better get rid of this before…” she weakly laid the bottle on the table and threw herself down on the couch. Coriline listened to a customer walk up the stairs to the barber shop. It was funny to her as she always herd them go up and then never hear them go back down. She pondered the thought as she said up. Suddenly! She had a plan.

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