Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pink Floyd Political Part 3 "Darling of the underground"

Fallen war hero turns to ash, buring unto a present past. We beat nicks and outcast hide....deep within the underground. Like rats! Rats we are called!! If they only knew what we could do......if only....the power we have. Our music people call us they nazis conformist try to make communist america more of a reality. The grim pitcure of fate has been painting, bloold. Drunken fools! HA! I laugh at there stupidity. Our culter makes is art. Hmh! Yet they claim our art and music and writings to be...rubbish! Please! Comparing Pollock to Warhol! A crime! I tell you. But nothing more is to be said. Sad such, rather be in dearly old england? Well!!? State your opion before your drafted man!! Come on then! Out with it!! Nazi Communist America is the way! HA! We are all fools

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