Saturday, January 10, 2009

A poem for Bobby <3

On to desolation row. Dancing like a tight rope walker I remain cold and in stable. Crying for you as I walk into the bleeding rain...and I wonder where I'll go? I hope I'll meet you on desilation row. If then, oh what do I know? If I am notice, ignor the tears of linger and wanting on my face. Your eyes are so cold they make me want to lay down and die. The moon is hidden and the stars they hide. Im afriad to say "Hello". If you may find me foolish....forgive me, as a fool I may be....I'll probly never forget seeing you on desolation row.

1 comment:

  1. Why? WHY DO I KEEP TRYING!!?? He dosnt know I'm alive! Let alone like a music...-kicks self-
