Monday, April 20, 2009


Mood: Happy and pissed (Im feeling normal)
Tunes: In honor of the sad kids who killed there selfs because of the religious biggots ( I personally think that, how do i word this..... I think they killed them selfs because no one would listen to them and just press there stupid biggot views on them) who died today, "The Dope Show" Marilyn Manson

I would like to say to anyone that is firm die hard Christan, MARILYN MANSON HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH COLUMBINE!!!!! NOTHING! GET IT THREW YOUR SICK BIGGOT HOMOPHOBIC HEADS!! Gawd. Seriously. MM had nothing to do with it. Those kids killed because they felt that no one would listen. Its called depression! Nobody would listen to them. Its sad that they even reported the news publicly. Mason wasnt even involed. Personally I think he shows the truest form of a person. FREE MANSON FROM THE MDEIA!!!!

Margar C.

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