Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is the saddest dream Ive ever had. I wrote it down a year or so ago. Now, I share it with the world.

"These flowers...always fade..." I threw myself on the ground. And cried. Cried and finished your darkness "Always die." "This dream always goes." I herd you sing. If only you where closer... I reached for the knife. Carefull, not to inflict so much pain, I slit. Threw bleeding neck and hair, I found a rose. "You came..." I managed to stammer. "In my finest hours.." He bravely lept threw the open window and licked blood from me. "Neverfade...always die..." His words confused me and drew me into him. "This dream always ends..." His voice be came bitter. My mother enterd and tried to tare me from his arms. His grip was strong. My mother raced to call my father... I only had so much time left. In her eyes anyway. "Just let me bleed away..." I said threw stiffend tears of someform of love. "No." His voice was cold and dark. "I give you flowers of blood." He took the flower from my hands and cut his own face. I felt his blood drip on me. Darkness began to take me. "I DONT WANT TO DIE!!" I paniced knowing my own fate. "Shhh shhh..." his voice became soft. A hand threw my hair he shoothed me. "Never fade....never die..." I could hear his own voice grow weak. I let tears flow freely. "The blood stopped falling." I said then looked up to see him paler than he already was. "You cared about my wound more than your own even though you lay dying..." My voice was dry. I had to die with him. I guess he knew as he gently cut me with the flower as his strange act of love. We held each other in darkness, then, both of us knowing we would be together threw whatever awaited us, knowing that we could never seperate, that we'd always be with one another now, we shared a kiss.... as we slipped into the night that last forever; Death.

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