Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ugh.... socalizing....

Mood: Eh -sulk-
Tunes: "24 Hours" Joy Divison <3 <3

I have to go to some werid lunchon thing today for some people at moms church. I dont really want to go. I kind of just want to sit and listen to my tunes and read. I mean, I'll know some people but its just like forced conversation with them. Its just words thrown out there to show some experiance or just to say something for the soul perpous of something being said. To make matters more difficult, Mother invited people to comeover after the event. -groan- Why? Cant she see I'm having one of my "Oh-my-god-can-I-just-not-talk-about-anything-for-awhile!!?" days! Well, I'm going to try and go to the mall tomarrow for The Cure shirt. But... Its not likely.... Mother is pissed at me. :(

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