Friday, May 22, 2009

To be his...... razor. (To the tune of "My Friends"...if you can think of it)

Oh to be his razor, a glimmer in his eye... oh to be his razor. To shine his dreamy silver as he sings to me sweetly of perious gems, of crimson. To be the glint in his eye, the only friend in his life, to be held in his clever hand! To perice the judge.... to be together. To hear a whisper... as I take away his pains. If I dripped rubies and shined of silver... would he love me then? To be his razor, to be thy nobel soward. For him to glance at me... to listen. Oh he would hold me close... If I could just steal The Judges rubies. To be the only friend in his life! To slay who has done him wrong! To grow warm in his hand! Oh on thy night I shine mearly silver...but soon... rubies I shall bleed for him. Oh to be his razor. <3

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