Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Kiss for a kill?

Night is black it remains so, the world is ice; somber and cold. I feel you...need you... want you. Thy rain is sweet but doth it linger like your kiss? O! How I long for your cold touch, and yet, I dont think I am the one. Wind howls like a madden wolf. Use me. Hurt me. Rip me to peices. Love me. Kiss me. Touch me. Kill me?! Why dont I run!? Why do I let you tease me, why do I want it? Drain me. Drink me. Eat me. Bleed me dry. Drink my blood like rose and crimson wine. Oh just kiss me then leave me for dead!! You'll still be with me in my head. Hold me. Stab me. Slit me. Cut me. Kiss me then kill me! Bite me. Strike me. Light me. Burn me. Feel me. Your lips are poison but I love, love, your pain. Drian me. Bite me. Stab me. Slit me. Kill me!! Kiss me!

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