Thursday, May 28, 2009

To love his sharp fingures. (For Edward)

How can I love you, when you make me bleed. You belong! You belong... only not to me. We're freaks in a cirucs. People laugh at you and me. Tis differnt with you because they laugh at your beauty that sallow people cant see. I love your face I love your...your... hands, akward they may be. You bring angels to the earth! Light for people who are blind to see. I love your words and your rythms. I love your eyes. Tell me that you love me....tell me....

Oh to love your sharp fingures.... I dont care if I bleed. <3


  1. aww gee really? what did u like about it?

  2. i liked the way it flowed like you were realy telling him that and confessing your love to him

  3. i meen like he was realy there in front of u and you were saying this to him
