Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Come as you are?

Mood: Depressed
Tunes: "Lullaby" The Cure

Its like the world turns its back on me to leave me for dead. Nothing makes sence... the sallow-esc of conformity. I keep seeing these signs on churchs they keep saying "ALL WELCOME: COME AS YOU ARE!" Do they really mean that? Are they saying that I, someone who dosnt believe in anything, come in and listen to there lectures on the good will and there God and just walk away with learning nothing? And then they except me to come back? Theres just so much anger towards religion.... you honestly cant prove anything exsisited!!! If you can share proof that something happend PLEASE comeout of hiding and lead us on to your knownlage.

God my life sucks. I want to die.... but I cant. I'd leave people behide... or a handfull of people that care. The sad thing is, the one person I really want to care...dosnt know my name.

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