Thursday, May 7, 2009

Feeling awake

Mood: Confused, Emotions tangled....
Tunes: "The Perfect Boy" The Cure

I feel alive at night... In the day I walk in a daze from everything... waiting for that shigh in my ear when I sleep... waiting for IT to tempt me in its shadows.... in its shadows only to lull me into sleep. What does it want!?? It confused me

1 comment:

  1. SomeonesDarling:I think and just maybe, you have to wait silently, waiting, without fear, as all the mysteries are solved, what a feeling .... always continuous, and it is impossible to forget, and what the other person or feel always has to wait....since we can not manage on his soul or feelings of others, you're not confused, because the only truth is that you look and you decide which the end of the world exists because we exist, if we're not the world that is....just wait, because the answer, if not in that person,this within yourself and your heart will soon reach....I hope you have much happiness in the coming days and we will pass very well....and forgive my English is not very good, I hope you understand what I write
    you shipment many greetings....
