Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lullaby! (something Robert Smith is probly never going to read..... =[) -cries-

Hold me close my lullaby. Dont go away. Sing me something sweet. Sing me something cold, sing me into sleep. Sing me into love. Drag me down deep. Hold me close my lullaby. Dont ever make me cry! Why when I wake up you always leave me cold? Sing to me my lullaby, tell me what its like to die!! Keep me close my lullaby, sing me into sleep. Hold me close my lullaby. Sing me into your bloodkisses so sweet. Hold me close my lullaby. Spin me a spider-web! Make me dance along the silver threads. Keep me close my lullaby, theres shadows on the wall. Why are there spiders on our heads? Hold me close my lullaby. Sing me into sleep. Drink me till I fall. Keep me close my lullaby. The moon is full and my blood runs cold. Hold me close my lullaby.

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