Thursday, August 27, 2009

All the voices blur....

All the voices blur....

All the voices cry...

I can not save them.

They are the end of me....

No. I am wrong.

He is the end of me....

A love I have never met only barly seen... in a differnt world.

I dream, sometimes.....

Paranoid. I am being watched. I know.

I can feel it.... deep within the hallow grave of which my heart lies.

All the voices blur

They tell me things...

The one that tells me sweet nothings I have grown fond of.

I pretend it is him.....

Only to wake in the morning.

I dream sometimes....

Eyes at my window.

Someone pushes me.

I fall; Dont look up damn you!

I look up.

Does death look beutiful?

The man before me is cold and pale.

Death plays about him.

I yearn.....

just for a whisper....

of nothing but something sweet.

Sometimes I dreaming.....

So many eyes!

So many voices...

I cry confused.




All the voices blur...

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