Friday, August 28, 2009

A dream I have had (Sweeney Todd related dream..)

I wonder of my spirt. He watches me. But lately I havent seen him. I wonder often.... I dream of him. I dont know if the dream I am to tell you is about him or he is telling me something but anyway....

I am in a dress. It's white. Simple and flowing. Kind of like a wedding dress. Thats werid for me. Anyway, I am running down a long hall way with twist and turns. I keep getting lost. Suddenly, I am at the top of a long stairway. It seems to go on for ever. I venture down it. It spins downward. I am running. I keep glancing upward. Looking at the marble staircase. The house I am trapped in resembles the one in Edward Scissorhands. I also have a candle in a candle holder lighting my way because it is dark outside. Anyway I am reallyweak from running, I lay down on the staircase witch is freezing also. Suddenly I hear footsteps coming up from downbelow. I sit upright and I freak. There is nowhere to hide. Maybe if I make it back up? I can hide in a room? Perhaps. I forget to grab the candle and dart back up the staircase. The footsteps behide me are getting louder. My head s arts throbbing. I keep looking back. Then I trip. SMACK! I hit hard marble. The footsteps get closer and they slow down. I am really really dizzy. I see boots at my feet. I dont look up for I am afraid. His candle goes out. Now all there is is darkness and a faint moonglow now from the upstairs. Suddenly I am pulled to my feet. I try to scream but nothing happens. He drags me upward I cant see his face. I struggle but he is stronger than me. We are up stairs again. I am dying at this point. We are down a long hall way I have never seen before. Then I am slammed agaisnt the wall "OUCH!!" I yell. There is a razor to my throat. "Scream... and I'll stain your pretty dress..." he whisperd. I whimperd. It was Sweeney Todd. Fear gripped me instantly. He glared at me. Was he mad? I cant read him. I paniced. He relaxed his grip on my sholder....slightly. "What do you want?" I asked....shaking. I guess he could feel it because he smiled knowing that he had power over me for a time. "Tourture is ment to be intended my dear." he said. Tourture??!! I moaned in fear. His hand creeped up to my shoulder blade. He pressed down. Hence, I fainted being one of my pressure points. So blackness consumed me.

When I awoke I was somewhat please to know that I wasnt running anymore. I started to recolet my self. Fear came over me again. "Oh your trembling my dear..." he said. I jumped. He was close. I freaked. I got up from where ever I was. I looked around for him. Of course, he had darken the room.... -shigh- "Mr.Todd?" I automaticly called out and peerd into the darkness. I started to walk....slowly. My knees were shaking. He grabbed me from behide and I was in a coner. I blushed. I could tell my feelings were speeping threw weather i wanted them to or not. He lifted my chin up. I bit my lower lip. He lighty kissed my lips. I freaked. I wanted to kiss him back but he drew away. He walked me over to the chair. I fallowed knowing that Id probly fallow him anywhere now. He pushed me in the chair. He knelt down so he was eye level with me. He moved my hair away from my neck and he kissed it. "I love you..." he began and kissed me again. "And that is why you must die." The truth came. I knew he can not love for if he did it would be the end of him. And I'd rather be it the end of me than him. Tears sprang into my eyes anyway. He shighed and drew his razor. "If I fight back.... dont let me win." I said. "You are brave...and beutiful and like all things, beutiful things die in the most tragic ways." he said. I looked up at him. I trembled. Looking into the facedeath only to realize it is someone you love deeper than you care to admit is a scary thing. I closed my eyes and waited for that cold sting. Instead or prier to, a kiss was given. It was beutiful and emotional. We drew apart. He kissed my neck once more than he lifted his razor slightly and lightly cut my neck slightly enough to bleed but not to die. "Perhaps this is not the end." Why did I have hope in this time? I do not know nor can I explain. So he drank from me. I stiffend afraid. "Dont kill me please...." I begged. "No. No. Never." he drew in the razor deeper. I yelped. It hurt so bad. He seemed to be draining from me. Perhaps me liked the taste? I was slipping into darkness but it was not death!! Only sleep... He drew me into his arms and I fainted.

Then I awoke.

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