Friday, September 18, 2009

Death and his bride.

Info: The main charater is myself.. this was a dream I had

She walked slowly. Very very slowly. The grass alight by the moon seemed not to stir. She sighed. Her dress was white. She had flower petals clustered in her hair. They were red, white and black. The girl was lost. The woods around her were filled with eerie tall thin trees. Fog gathered around her feet as she walked. She had no shoes. The lady did not remember anything. Who she was… all she know is that she was alive. Alive… She shook her head. A rustle came from near by. She spun around. Crows and Ravens flew from the darkness into the moonlight as if to warn. She shivered. The girl grew dizzy. She walked on ward. The moon never seemed to move. She liked this. The night was the only time one is free…. Or that’s how she saw it. Suddenly, She stepped on something…cold. She leapt back and her lips parted in a gasp. She dare not look. The fog was to thick now to tell what was what on the ground anyway. She began to go. Something quick and cold like a needle almost grabbed her bare ankle. The scream tried to escape but failed. The thing rose up and shown to be a corpse. “Art thou’ not dead!?” replied the lady. “Though should be dead! Thou’ is….. Thou is death!!” She pained. “Shhh shhh. I will not harm thee. For I only ask one thing of you….” “And what might that be, good sir?” “I ask for a bride!” he began letting go of her ankle. “A bride!? Sir! You are a corpse ment to be among thy dead and I am among thy living! Love is out of the question!” She stated. She felt the nervous edge to her voice. She knew she had seen him before…. He had haunted her sweetly but she dare not think of it. “Please!” he began “Thou art finer than I have seen and in death you see many fine things! You know me and I know you deep down you know… You cannot forget this?” “I…..I…I can not.” she admitted now looking ahead. He rose. “I beg of thee… thou love me.. I know ye. Thy does! Thy must….” Her voice seemed to be robbed from her. He went on. “I have fashioned you a necklace of the brightest moonstone and a crown of black roses.” “A crown? Art thou’ a king!?” “AH! No. Thou art my beloved.” He said with a thin smile on his pale face. “I beg of thee once more! In death it is always night!! You are free! You can speak with ravens and know all the knowledge thou can know in death! You-” “Can you love in death?” He sighed. “Death is the purest form of love my dear.” he said. “I am afraid to be buried…” She said. “I wont let thy be touched by the living!” promised the corpse. “Oh..” she turned to him. “I love thee! I will be thy bride in thy own and we can truly be together!” She cried. He knelt on one knee. “Fairest lady of thy living…” He kissed her hand, then rose. He place the crown of flowers on her head then the necklace around her neck. He kissed her face. “Are we wedded?” She whispered. “No… but soon my love.” he said. “How will I die?” she asked. He produced a dagger. She gasped. “The pain will be grate but I will heal.” he said. She walked closer. He took her in his arms and he kissed her lips softly. She shivered, then gasped loudly. She trembled. Pulling away she grasped the dagger in her dress… and lo! Rubies dripped from her. She fell into the arms of the corpse. Then softly she fell into a gentle kiss and then the sweet cradle of night.

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