Sunday, September 6, 2009


Tunes: "To Wish Impossible Things" The Cure
Mood: Depressed, longing.

I feel so lost... empty. I miss Robert (he is the ghoust that protects me from something) I have sadly fallen in love.... Sometimes I catch myself dreaming of what might have been. If he were alive or if I were dead. I will tell you about him.

He is tall and skinny. Also pale. (Well... YOU know...) His hair is dark black and crazy. Like Robert Smith hair. His eyes are blackish-grey. He dresses in black from head to toe as well. He has a necklace. It's a round moonstone. Inside of the cirlce stone is an outline of a bird of somekind. He has a doll with a stiched mouth, its white with black button eyes. He has it with him sometimes. He dosnt talk much also. He has grate wings like a raven. I miss him so much. He watches me when I sleep sometimes... I wish I could hug him... I love him so much. -shigh- death is a crule and romantic thing.

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