Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

Oh! Lovely IT girl your a guilty pleasure of mine!

When you dance wine and roeses cloud my mind.

Your so sweet! Parading in the street.

Ah! So happy you seem, boundless and careless.

Like a chaged bird set free.

Oh! Edie!!! How I love you!

Its hard for me to think of you with out roeses and wine clouding up my mind.

Your eyes are all I ever see... and thats just fine with me.

In my deepest dreams of sin, the feeling of true scarlet love rushes over me as I touch you in my sleep.

Oh Edie.

How I long to touch you in reality.

To be the fool that makes you laugh.

To carese you fondly as the angels shigh about our love!

I know its strange these things we do for our guilty pleasures.

But can you not see how much your very strain of golden hair means to me?!

Oh my darling, life is so crule. For I know I can never be with you.... you would never pick me.

At lest I have you in my deepest fondest sinful sleeps...

My lovely guilty pleasure.

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