Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fancy English Wits!

By Shawna and Margaret.

M: Oh how is the picture going
S: It is going rather well! I think you will much enjoy it.
M: Did you read the periodical last week?
S: I sure did... rather, very thougorly.
M: Well what did you find?
S: I am drawing nothing of consiqunce! You shall see when I am done.
M: Very Well.
M: I quite forgot what I was doing.
S: Well did you? That can quite happen alot. You see, I put it back to the stupidness for todays socitiy.
S: A mirmaid bar opend last week!
S: Anway,My husband rather likes it. He met a lady.
M: Oh no! Sandle!
S: Indeed. He said he had no interest in her. But I quite disagree. Anyway he came home drunk.
M: Oh my
S: Quite.
M: For I am not married! It is most unfashionable these days.
S: That is a shame
M: I take my men in abroad
S: Abroad could be anywhere!
M: Perferibly in Paris.
S: That would be nice.
S: He was drunk years ago. I quite for get the name of the place... he met a man
M: Is the name important?
S: I can not remeber it.
M: Oh my
M: How trivial.
S: I told him dont be such a prick.
M: So unfashonible these days being married.
S: Then he said My eye ball was on fire then he fell back asleep so I went back to bed.
M: It seems married life is just strange questions and sleeping.
S: Yes. Hmm he is quite a gentlemen, except when he's drunk but that only happens very couple of years.
M: Well! I wanted a romantic scandle between you and your husband.
S: Well, a triangle happend years ago..
M: Do tell!
S: We went to a grand tea room. He said he was meeting this other woman. He said he had a son. I then slapped him.
S: It couldnt be his child. When the woman saw him she said it couldnt be him! So we left all for the better.
M; Do you know of any music of wich we could carry on a conversation?
S: Hmm coldplay.
M: Why?
S: It is very English.
M: I dont think so at all.
S: Really? Well they are enlgish arnt they?
M: Well yes but you cant really carry on a conversation.
S: Hm. Well then.... it seems that you should pick the music if your so critial.
S: -shigh- everyones a critic.

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