Monday, September 14, 2009

The Week(and End)

Mood: -shigh- Mondays over at lest
Tunes: "Vampires of New York" Marcy Playground

So, It seems to me that Mondays and Tuesdays are THE worst days and I stress THE WORST, of the week... for me anyway. Mondays are well... Mondays. You just know they suck most of the time, there isnt really a reason WHY but they do. And (this might just be personal prefrence of what sucks) Tuesdays kind of suck because I always feel like in a rut. Stuck. And theres NOTHING to do on Tuesdays. It's all like "YAY! Homework done. Now what? A: Sit on the computer. B: Go outside...?? (psssssht no. And do what? Walk to one end of a boring suberb and back? Right.) C. Same thing as Monday (AKA chocie A.) Yup! Sounds like I want something to do plan." Wensdays are okay because I get out early from School and everything seems chill. Kind of like... "Ok. Its Wenday. Thats Cool." Thursdays can go either way. They usualy end up feeling like a Wensday for me. And friday? Well I dont really feel the need to explain Friday. Saterday is good depending on which house I am at its differnt. (My Parents are split you see..) Sunday is just sunday.

But thats how I see the week. Well.... bacisily it goes like this....

Mon: -Groan-
Tues: -Groan-
Wens: Okay. Its cool.
Thurs: A. -Groan- I want to sleep.... OR B. Its cool.
Friday: HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Sat: Shweeeeeeeeeet
Sun: Eh. Sunday

1 comment:

  1. A day is a day M'lady,as your world grows the days pass by more quickly til all that is remembered is moments.
