Sunday, July 19, 2009

I want to

Mood: restless
tunes: "Sway" The Rolling Stones

I want to get so high and so drunk I'm like Keith Richards!!! Then I want to lose my verginity to a rock star. I know I have probelms but all day I've wanted to smoke and drink!! I dont know whats up with me!! I guess when ever I feel lonely I get like this... hungery for sin. Shit if I could I'd go out right now and get wasted. The night calls to me.... god I feel like a slut. I'm not trying to get screwed or anything I just wanna get wasted! I dont know.... I want to feel alive! I want to get so high. I want to do all the sins and make up new ones! The night laughs and lives without me... something and someones out there! Stuff is out there! Life is out there! Freedom is out there! I got my heartbroken today. So this SUPER HOTT girl on the subway was just standing there her blonde hair down to her shoulders and her black hat stood atop it. She was like Marilyn Monroe <3 So, I give her a wink, because my mom anit looking. She returns the jesture with a little pucker of her ruby red lips. I smile. She nods.... and turns to her boyfriend. BANG! I stumbled off... akward. (Srry Nikki.... couldnt help it she was yummy) Then mom wouldnt shut up about stuff and I just wanted to be alone. I wish I didnt feel like this.... Im just cought in a Sway. Thank you Keith Richards for being my sexy ear candy. <3

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