Tuesday, July 21, 2009

If you slit my heart can I sew it back CH: 2 "What are you drinking!!??"

By the time Coriline stepped out of the bath and slipped on her underdress, for it was the only thing that was dry, it was 9:30. She walked out. She enterd the kichten. "Where has Lady Wotton gone?" she mudderd half to her self. "Lady Wotton has been called away to Paris. Her sister has a chill. She has fled off to her aid, I'm afraid." said Sweeney from behide her. Coriline jumped a little then turned to face him. "Oh... I see..." she walked over to the tabel and looked at the crystal glass stained red. "My!" Coriline exclaimed, "Never have I seen a wine so bright and... sticky!" she lifted the glass and inspected it. His eyes widend. "Thats because it has gone bad." "Oh dont be silly..." she noticed there was one drop left in the glass. "DONT DRINK THAT!!" He yelled. Coriline froze. Never had she herd him raise his voice before it was terrifying. "Y-y-yes sir..." she said meekly and placed it down. He shighed heavily and threw off his coat. "Your coat is full of holes! Let me sew it back up, I have blue tread." She said and went to the small chest where the tread was held. Sweeney did nothing. He mearly watched. She picked up his coat and sat down in the parlor chair by the fire and began to work. He sat on the chair oppisite of her. He watched her hands. They flew gracefully with the fabric and needle. He was so intently watching that he jumped when he herd her "What where you drinking Mr.Todd?" "Medicine." Sweeney said blankly. "Medicine for what? You seem perfectly- OUCH!!" She pricked her fingure. He looked up at her with a curious glance. "Well you didnt finish your medicine..." she mudderd sucking the blood off her fingure. He grunted and staired back into the fire. She shighed and continued to sew the ratty thing for a coat. Thunder crashed. "Looks like its raining again Mr.T" she said. "DONT CALL ME THAT EVER!!" He stormed out of the room. She stared blankly after him. Coriline bent her head down and finished his coat. She hung it up for him. She herd the door of upstairs slam. She shighed. "I didnt mean...." she mudderd to herself.


Sweeney Todd slammed the door in rage. He yelled. Then kicked the wall. Again and again. He glanced at his side tabel. There and then lighting flashed luminating his horrible past. His head began to spin. Sweeney stumbled back. His eyes did not leave the picture frame for it was his most prized posseiton. Lucy and his darling, Johanna, who he knew not where she had gone to. "Lucy...oooh... Lucy..." he fell to his knees. He moaned in agongy. Sweeney Todd could feel his neck burn with pain. His vision became blurred with tears of maddenss. Oh how he longed to hold her again!! And his little baby... his sweet baby.He looked to the sky in anger. "Why have you done this to me??!" he cried to know one. Rain began to fall harder.


Coriline had looked at the crystal glass in awe. It glowed red... like rubies, as they had remined her of. She lightly touched the glass with her frail fingures. She picked it up and gazed at it in the light. How it sang! Oh! How it sang to her! Coriline licked her lips. Curriosity stirred her madly. What was it?? What did it taste like? What does it feel like?! Oh! How she felt like Juliet, about to drink the poison from her lovers lips. Her imagination always was uncontrolible. Coriline lifted the glass to her lips softly. She smelled it. She was taken aback. It smelled like that night.... the night of the burnings in Boston. How that haunted her still. She remebered her mothers face. Burning and flaming her eyes bleeding out as she cried to heaven for answers. Coriline shiverd at the thought. Still, she lifted the glass once again. She took a few quick breathes, as if one would to prepare for something. Coriline felt it slide into her throat. What was it she tasted?? She continued to drink...

His tears where shed. suddenly he leaped up from his chair. Coriline!! The glass!! Surly she wouldnt.... she was mostly obbeadiant...mostly. Curious she was more so! Sweeney leaped up and ripped the door open and darted downwards to the shop as quickly as he could.

As if a spell was casted, wind blew in. The candels blew out with a shhhh. Coriline drank every drop. She felt dizzy... sick. The darkness she was plunged into began to spin. "Ooooh....what was he drinking....oooh" she moaned. "CORILINE! CORILINE!!" She didnt hear. Coriline tasted her fingure."B-blood!!?? NO! Not him! Not Mr. Todd!!" she thought. She felt so sick. Screams ripped threw her head. Of her mother, father and brother. Fire rose up in her mind. She herd her name being called... but it was far away. Coriline moaned. Then... thunder crashed and lighting struck! She fell and glass shatterd everywhere. "CORILINE!! CORILINE!!?" She moaned in respons. She felt cold hands grab her. "Wake up! Wake up! Coriline!!" she vaguly listened as she tumbled into sweet darkness...


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