Saturday, July 25, 2009

If you slit my heart can I sew it back? CH 4 "A cold awakening"

Coriline couldnt think or repsond. She just became distant in thought. He got up and blew out the candles and left her alone in darkness. She herd the uptairs door slam and lock. She felt sick... so very sick. Coriline strained her ears to listen. Nothing. Thats all she herd. Repeated nothing. She hated it. Coriline shiverd. She disliked being alone... most of the time. She crawled to find a candle. SMACK!! She hit her head on the leg on the table. For hours she just laid there. Curled up and wilted.... like a vilot. She rememberd seeing vilots when she was younger. They were everywhere on the farm she grew up on. They made her happy. They seemed to bring her joy. Why was she thinking of them now? She couldnt answer. The rain had stopped she noted. Coriline got up and walked outside... or fumbled would be a better word. She breathed in the cold, wet air. She liked it. Coriline tried to find the moon but could only see a few stars. She wished that there were vilots. Coriline looked at her hand and startled. "Mr. Todd fixed it..... with his razor?? Ohh surly that wasnt blood.... I hope not..." She felt her self getting sleepy. She didnt know the time. Coriline curled up in a ball on the steps. Her own blood slightly dripping from the bandages. She fell asleep almost instantly even on the cold hard growned. She started to forget. Forgetting the cold, forgetting her pain and most importantly, for getting the eyes that would soon gazed at her.

Some streets down walked a boy. He held a bag over his sholder. He whistled and turned down to Fleet Street. He stopped dead in his tracks. "He...he's surly he is..." he saw the shop had been made into a dress and hat shop. He walked on past it. Or... ran past it I should say.
Sweeney Todd watched all this from his window. He couldnt tell who it was. He returned his attention to the figure on the steps. He wonderd of her life. "Is she....sleeping. Thats all." He thought. Sweeney sighed and shook his head. He unlocked his door. Then walked down and lifted the lifeless figure. She was very frail. Then he put her on the floor of the parlor next to the remaining burning ambers. He staired at the thing sleeping. Why did he do that? Sweeney shiverd at the tought. Suddenly he jumped. He herd a call of a crow. He hated them. His eyes never left the girl. He wished he could sleep... peacefuly. He wish he could dream without waking up in terror and rage. He walked over to the tabel and got some gin. It burned his throat as he drank it. He looked at him self in the reflection of the dirty window. The years havent done a thing. He grabbed a candle and went down to the basement. He opened the door. All that was there was a small cot and a blanket, pen and a book. A Book? No. Two books! He walked over to the small little desk. One book was an old batterd copy of "Salome." by Oscar Wilde. The other was blank full of writing. Her Diary. He opened it. He read a little. It was just a girls diary. Nothing interesting. Except...
I had the same nightmare again! The bodies kept burning. I herd my mother screaming. Rumors flew around me like.... bees in a honey comb. I just kept running and running and running. The people of the town kept casing me. I ran till I could run no more... Then I am burried alive.
Coriline Rose.

He shiverd. What was burning?? Why? Questions filled his mind. Some odd emotion filled him. Sweeney felt as if he had to protect the girl. The walked out of there quickly. He saw her still sleeping. He cursed him self for what he felt. Why did he? "Damn her." He mudderd and walked up stairs and slammed the door shut.

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