Monday, July 20, 2009

If you slit my heart can I sew it back? CH: 1 "The Death Of Lady Wotton"

"Mr. Todd sir?" Coriline stammard out. Never in all of her 18 years has her curitosity sir her as much as this! She was a taylors apperentice. She lived in a basement under Mrs. Lady Wotton Taylor shop on Fleet Street in London. She came across from Boston to flee from her familys past. They where all hung from witch craft. The man did not speak. A barber lived up stairs and seldome came down. "Mr. T-todd?" She said a little louder. The man turned to look at her. His expression remained the same; somber. "I... I know you dont like to be disturbed in your work but... but I made you tea." She said softly and held out a cup and sauser for him. He glacned at her, then her slightly shaking hand. "Thank you, love." he said barly adudible. She nodded and placed it on the tabel and feeling her self go pink... she left. Coriline walked down the stairs to the small little work room to mend a dress. "He certainly is hansome.... No wonder he charms Lady Wotton so easily!! Oh stop thinking of such things! Your here to sirvive not love.... not yet anyway." She thought. "OUCH!!" She pricked her fingure on the sewing needle.... again...
* Upstairs in The Baber Shop *
Sweeney Todd sat in his barber chair. He gazed out at the rainy world that London gave him, sorrowfully. His neck itched. He gritted his teeth in pain and strached around the scar he had recvied from a little boy, so many years ago. Sometimes, the urge to kill would grip him so hard along with this pain that.... he acted on it. Sweeney Todd vowed to find said boy, he now assumed a man, and drag him threw hell! He knew he was to die someday but it was NOT going to be by the hands of a Orphan boy! And when, Sweeney did in fact die, as we all disirve to do, he would quitly go back to hell. There was no hope for him pleading with God. He begged no one. He knew his hope was gone. He glanced over at his tabel. The tea! He walked over to it and sipped it gratefuly. "The girl is sweet but curious..." he thought " perhaps to curious" he finished aloud. He sat down again and began to clean his razors.
*Down stairs*
"Are you finished with thoes dresses!?" snaped Mrs. Lady Wotton coming in from shopping. "Three of them, Auntie... I mean Lady Wotton." Coriline mudderd. "DONT CALL ME AUNTIE!! I am ashamed to be related to you! But in anycase, how many did I give you to finish?" She said. "Four Lady Wotton." Coriline replied not meeting the fat frogs gaze. "I see what of the forth, Coriline?" "It couldnt be finished. We ran out of red thread today when I finished the order for The Duke Of Lexington, Lady Wotton." She repliled holidng her tounge. "Well then go out to the market and get some thread child! Use your head you useless thing!!" She snapped. "But its raining!! And I have no umbrella or money to buy one!" Coriline protested. "No buts! Out!" Lady Wotton hissed. Her fat neck jiggled when she yelled. "Y-yes ma'me." Coriline mudderd and marched out into Londons cold and bitter rain. Sweeney saw her go out. He felt no pitty or sympthy, but an old emotion stired inside him. He grew dizzy. He threw himself down in the chair and was soon lost in thought.

Coriline quickly became utterly lost. Rain fell down in sheets. She walked blindly. Anger filled her. At last! She reached the tread shop only to find it was close. "That Ol' bitch!" she mudderd. She continued to curse like a salior and tried to find her way back threw wind and rain. Coriline wanderd off blindly. Her long black hair getting in the way... She cursed her self as she felt hot tears of fustraiton burn down her face.

Sweeney woke with a start. His nightmare was his only dream. He felt angery, hungery for blood shed and screams. He began to see flashes of red in his vision. His snake like tounge licked his lips. "Tonight someone will die by the hands of Sweeney Todd!!" He thought with a mad pleasure. "Soon..." he drew out his razor, "You shall drip rubies, my love, perisous rubies..." he sang softly and got up. Excitied he went down stairs to find a victum...

Lady Wotton ate her dinner and looked by the fire. "The store is closed, Ma'me.." said a dripping wet cold and hungery Coriline. "Well that is not my concerine! Until you finish that dress..." she pointed to the half sew dress in the concer. "You shall be locked in the basement!" "Lady Wotton, honestly!! How can I finish a dress when we have no thread, and it is terribly dark down there. Why it isnt even light enough to see praticly let alone finish a dress!" Coriline exclaimed. "Didnt your mother teach you to hold your tounge!!??" Lady Wotton stood and garbbed her wrist. "Oww!!..." She struggled. "L-let me go you ol' hag!!" Lady Wotton slapped her. "YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD!!" She then pushed her into the darkness that was the basement and locked the door. Coriline hit the floor and laid there in a daze. Sweeney herd all this and waited to here the door lock then, he entered. "Why! Lady Wotton! Never have I seen a lovly her face! Your red as a rose my dear!" he said. "Oh... why Mr. Todd, please!!" She giggled and batted her eyelashes in an attempted to be attraitve. But alas! She had grown old and fat, her youth had left her. Coriline jumped up when she herd his voice. "Maybe Mr. Todd will let me out!!" She blushed and she felt it. "Oooh... I already have been apon these strange shores for a month and I am fasinatied....with a man no less..." She shook it off and pressed her ear a agaisnt the door to listen. Of all the things one could think about being locked in a dark basement, she thought about how she looked! Why if Mr. Todd where to open the door!! She dreaded the thought more than she dreaded death.

"My dear Lady Wotton, may I have the honor to kiss your lovly cheek?" Sweeney asked with a good air of nobility. He was always good at lying... to women in particular. "WHAT!!??" Coriline coverd her mouth. "Oooh Mr. Todd, that would most please me." giggled Lady Wotton and she snroted she had giggled so much. Sweeney Todd acted quickly. He lead in as if to kiss her then he grabbed her neck and pulled her head back and held her there, then with his free hand he produced a razor. "wh..WHAT!!?" The old frog croaked. He lifted his razor high. He felt it shine. A mad smile curved apon his lips. "Y-your Mad!!" She croaked but it was drowned out by a hiddous gurrgling sound. Blood sprayed everywhere. The gurrgling and gushing hid his mad laughing and slashes. Soon.... when he felt satisfited, he stoped. "What was that!?" Coriline thought then her mind responded. "She's probly just clogged the sink or something..."

Sweeney walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a crystal glass. He turned it around and looked at his blood coverd relefction. He walked over to the victume and tilted its head down so the blood could drip. It oozed down slowly.. like a whisper one gives to there lover. Soon enough it filled the glass. He lifted it up and let the body slump over. He smiled slyly at the thought of never tasting blood. He swirled the liquied in its crystal like it was a fine glass of wine. He smiled to him self. Then he gently kissed the rim of the glass to his lips. He drank every drop. And he drank the last few drops with pleasure knowing that he could easily convince Coriline that all she herd was a clogged drain and Lady Wotton had gone away.

Days seem to pass (in reality only a few hours) for Coriline. "LET ME OUT!! PLEASED!!" She pounded against the door. He ignored her muffled cries. The body!! He quickly lifted the fat thing and dragged
her to the docks. He had to take the long way in odrder not to be seen. He quickly disposed of it. He quickly went back to the shop. He darted into the palor. There, was a lose strip of wall paper. Sweeney pulled it back it held two keys, one for the shop and the other for the basement. He locked the shop door then went to wash him self. He shighed wishing he could have disposed of it like he used to. Drag her to the chair, hit the pedal down the basement door and let her rot.

Coriline herd a door slam and foot steps. She banged on the door again and again. She was cold... so very cold. Suddenly, light flooded the room. "Wha... How long have I been down hear??" She said. She had to close her eyes for the light hurt. "A few hours I should guess, Miss Coriline." It was Mr. Todd. Coriline looked at him blushing. "I..i...oh... exucse me...I must wash my self!!" She hurried up the steps and darted into the bathroom and locked the door. Sweeney chuckled. "Women and there senitivites..." he thought. She looked at her self in the marrior. Her black hair was ratty and everywhere. Her eyes where red and puffy from crying. She removed her clothes and steped into the bath. Sweeney sat in the parlor. "What do to with Coriline...coriline..." the thought repeated in his head over and over so much that the name... sounded... almost sweet. An excuse, he considered would be easy to make as if "Where had Lady Wotton gone to?" and "What was that noise?" came up. THAT! would be easy but the tricky.... was WHAT to do with her. Should he kill her? Why not? Its not like he hant slain women before... or the innocent. But, he thought back to the countless times Coriline had gotten him cosutimers... all the ladys with there dresses she would send the men up stairs if she thought need be. He decied he would spare her....for a time...


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