Thursday, July 2, 2009

Linger on a razor

I see your face on silver. So it glimmers, ever so tempting. Your eyes lay apoun the silver. Your so cold. I wish you would kill me... slowly. Oh somehow. You caress your blade and sing to it longinly. As if it t'was your lover. Oh will you sing to me that way? Can you feel for me as you do the blade? I linger on your razor whising it was me. But, I know you seak revenge... so I stand aside... only hoping one day you caress me in a kiss then kill me sweetly. Then linger on at my rubies on your razor. Oh please please sing to it. Sing to it sweetly. Oh please, linger on my corpse. Confustion tangles me like the cobwebs on your wall. I wander lost in my thoughts. I've watched you. I've watched you plan, I've watched you plot, I've watched you think, but yet, I have never seen you love. Only words of darkness and affections for the cold steel. If I where that... if I where that... oh if I, If I! Where that..... would you... would you linger? Would you linger on me like you do the steel you caress? Why do I love a muderder? Why do I wish you to feel as I do? Oh why do I keep asking questions?? I pray that you may somehow care for me one day.... but as for now. I only wish to be the razor you linger on.

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