Tuesday, July 21, 2009

If you slit my heart can I sew it back? CH: 3 "I told you..."

Coriline's eyes bursted open. Her mouth was dry. She was beening shaken... viloently. "WAKE UP!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WAKE UP!!" "What???" She shiverd. Sweeney staried down at her, anger bruned in his eyes. "STOP IT PLEASE!! YOUR HURTING ME!!" She cried out. He stopped shaking her but he did not let go. The room, the whole house, was in darkness. Coriline rasied her shakey hands up to her face. Shards of glass where in them. It hurt to move them. "Dont move." Sweeney said rather firmly. He got up. He walked over to the match box with ease. Oh he was mad! He told her not to drink it! Oh what was she thinking that bitch!! Oh how- he stopped him self. Curriosity gets us all... sometimes. Sweeney lighted a few candles and went up stairs. The young girl was blushing madly. "He... did... he hold me??" Her hands throbbed with pain, but she stayed still. Sweeney returned. He walked over and knelt down next to her. "Listen to me and listen good. I want you to look at me. Nothing else. Just my face not my hands, understand?" Coriline stared blankly. "Well do you understand or not?" "Y-y-yes.." she mudderd. "Good." Sweeney drew out his razor blade softly. She started to glance down. "DONT!" She lifted her head back up and nodded. Carefully, he lifted her hand to where he could see. "Wh-whatever your going to do to me.... will it hurt?" She asked, her voice stiffend. "Yes." He replied with no expression in his voice. He remained plaiced. Coriline longed to remove her hands. She stiffend... scared. He looked at her... trying to be comforting. His fingures gently rubbed the palm of her hand. She blushed. "H-h-how bad will it hurt??" She asked. He didnt answer. Swiftly, the blade kissed her hands. Coriline screamed bloody murder. She trashed. "Hold..still!! Hold still!" He yelled at her. Thankfully, it was only one hand that needed to be cut open more to remove the glass. Tears burned down her face. "Y-y-you... THAT HURT!!" She cried. "I told you..." he said softly. He put his blade next to him. She looked at it and felt dizzy again. Sweeney carefully held her bleeding hand up to his face and began to remove the shards of glass. For they where in there deeply. She winced and yelped. He ignorned her and continued his work. At last the last peice of glass was removed. He left her there for a moment. She felt ashamed for crying in front of him. Sweeney returned with wrapping bandages. He lifted her hand up to his face again to see. Then he started to wrap it up slowly. "I am afriad you arnt going to be alble to sew for awhile, love." he said. She watched him. His face seemed to change to her. Was it... kinder? Coriline dismissed the thought as soon as it enterd. At last he was finished. Slowly, he turned her hand over and rubbed the end down so it would stick to her hand. She felt so dizzy... and cold... and a million other things. "There now." he mudderd pleased with himself. It had been along time sence he had done an act of good. He hoped Lucy would be proud... somehow...

"Thank you..." she said softly. He lightly picked up her frail bandage hand "Dont mention it..." he whisperd and kissed the exposed skin of her hand softly.


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